Colorado’s Insurer of Last Resort

Limited coverage property insurance for high-risk residential and commercial properties.

When private insurance isn’t available, we’re here to provide limited coverage options.

The Colorado FAIR Plan provides property insurance for Colorado properties at extreme risk of natural disaster. It should be considered a last resort after exploring all private insurance options.

Last Resort Coverage

The Colorado FAIR Plan is the most expensive way to insure a property, designed for properties that face the greatest risks of natural disaster. Private insurance remains the most cost-effective option for property insurance in nearly all cases.

Who is the FAIR Plan for?

If you own a property in Colorado that private insurers have deemed too high-risk to cover, the Colorado FAIR Plan may provide the coverage you need. To qualify, you must have proof of rejection from three private insurance companies.

Colorado FAIR Plan Cost and Coverage

Due to the elevated risks associated with the residential and commercial properties we insure, FAIR Plan policies come with substantially higher premiums and offer more limited coverage.